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Headache Collingwood

Why chronic headaches won’t stay gone

Headaches can be a debilitating condition. If you get chronic headaches and it’s hard to concentrate, socialize or get a good sleep, keep reading.

The Problem

“Headaches can be a temporary reaction to sickness, head trauma or poor sleep. When headaches become a regular problem something needs to change.”

Headaches often begin as a dull ache in back of the head first thing in the morning or at the end of a work day. A nuisance at first, they respond well to stretching, pain meds or a good night’s sleep.

“The problem is when headaches come back more often and severe.”

The pain starts to travel to the forehead and behind the eyes. Sounds and lights feel more intense making it hard to focus and concentrate. You can feel lightheaded, dizzy or even nauseous at times.

Stretches no longer help. Pain meds only take the edge off. Sleep becomes interrupted, worsening the pain cycle. You become agitated, overwhelmed and exhausted.

If this sounds like you keep reading. I explain why most chronic headaches won’t stay gone so that you can make changes to improve your mood, concentration and sleep.

The Solution

“We treat a lot of patients with headaches because of the connection to the neck. Headaches are largely influenced by neck tension and a few other key factors.”

So, why won’t chronic headaches stay gone? Here are 3 reasons why most chronic headaches keep coming back: 


The neck refers pain to the head

Headache sufferers often have tight neck muscles that over time become painful. Nerve endings in the head start in the neck and become sensitive from the tension. Neck joints can even refer pain into the head.


The head becomes more pain sensitive

When pain receptors in the head become over-sensitive, headaches happen easier. A hangover is an example. Food sensitivities, hormone imbalances, vision problems, sleep disorders and chronic stress lower pain thresholds. When overused, even pain medicine can cause headaches due to withdrawal.


Exposure to triggers

Headache triggers can be as simple as a change in the weather, missed sleep or working too much. Triggers don’t cause headaches, but can push headache sufferers over the edge. Often, the neck is already under strain and pain sensitivity is high for a trigger to have an effect.


You can become more resilient to headaches and resistant to triggers

“Address both the physical neck strain and pain sensitivity.”

Our treatments involve muscle releases along with exercises and easy lifestyle modifications. The result can improve your mood, concentration and sleep.

If you’ve read until now you likely need help with your headaches. Send us a message and tell us how long they’ve been affecting you. 


The Challenge

“You might think you have no control over headaches. You’ve had them for so long and there’s nothing that can help.”

I had a patient with a 30-year history of almost daily headaches. All tests ordered came back negative. Medications helped, but she didn’t want to take drugs every day. 

Now retired, she felt her golden years were going to waste. She withdrew from social events to stay home in a quiet and dark room. Stopped reading novels because she couldn’t concentrate long enough to finish. Her sleep dwindled to 5 hours a night with a dull headache that greeted her in the morning. 

She was disconnected, moody and always tired. Completely unlike her usual self. She just wanted to feel optimistic and energetic again.   

After her consultation I assured her we could help. Several muscles in her neck reproduced her head pain during the exam. She also had tightness along one side of her neck explaining why her headaches were always on the left. Finally, we identified some habits including her sleeping position that caused these imbalances. 

Since treatment she sleeps great, which means she wakes up without a headache. Better sleep reduced her pain sensitivity so reading is no longer a trigger. Instead of avoiding social events she’s excited to spend time with friends. Her mood, concentration and social life are better because she decided to take action.


We help relieve headache suffering

“If any of this relates to you, I’m glad you’ve kept reading.  We’ve helped many headaches sufferers feel more like themselves again.”

If you suffer from chronic headaches choose to take action and send us a message now. Let us know how they’re impacting you and we’ll let you know if we can help.